2011 UT CULP - Principalship Program -University of Texas at Austin

Executive Summary

The Cullen Middle School Case Study was conducted by the University of Texas-Collaborative Urban Leadership Program Houston Cohort in the summer of 2011. The following research question guided the study:

What school-wide systems should be developed to
  • improve student achievement?
  • develop highly effective teachers?
  • engage internal and external stakeholders?
  • improve the community perception?

Improving Student Achievement 
    While improving student achievement campus-wide is multifaceted, this section focuses on four topics that Cullen Middle School (CMS) might consider: student engagement, teacher expectations, Gifted and Talented selection procedures, and development of academic vocabulary.
  • Implement school-wide and classroom specific academic vocabulary systems.
  • Incorporate cooperative learning opportunities at least once a week in every classroom.
  • Emphasize high teacher expectations through use of “No Opt Out” and “Right is Right” techniques.

Developing Highly Effective Teachers
    In order to support highly effective teachers, CMS could focus on the following: implementing Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), improving mentorship and teacher support systems, and employing campus-wide feedback systems.
  • Develop a committee to plan activities to monitor student success and foster relationships between teachers and students.
  • Implement PLCs that focus on student achievement.
  • Strengthen the C.A.R.E. model by scheduling regular opportunities for feedback and adding a peer-to-peer coaching component.

Engaging Internal Stakeholders
    Engaging students continues to be a concern for educators.  Research reveals that the following are effective strategies suggested for implementation at CMS: after-school programs, social work support, and Positive Behavior Systems.
  • Implement after school programs that provide academic assistance, enrichment, and recreational activities.
  • Implement a School-Wide Positive Behavior System

Engaging External Stakeholders
    The engagement of external stakeholders is pivotal to student performance.  Increased collaboration with parents, community, and students positively affects student achievement. 
  • Establish the position of Cullen Home-School Liaison Specialist (CHSLS), who will  strategize, organize, and spearhead community engagement efforts.
  • Reorganize and redevelop the Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA).

Improving Community Perception
    The principal, faculty, and community members acknowledged that the CMS community has mixed perceptions about Cullen. Literature indicates that the marketing of urban secondary schools is a national challenge. This section provides specific strategies to improve the community perception of CMS.
  • Design a comprehensive annual public relations and marketing plan.
  • Implement a system to support students who enroll late or transfer into Cullen mid-year.
  • Establish a coalition of city and district officials, businesses, and professional non-profit organizations to promote Cullen.

Improve Student Achievement